New! DNScaster
We’re pleased to announce the newest member of Cosmic: DNScaster.
DNScaster is a fresh take on managed DNS. We’ve carefully rethought how DNS should operate in a cloud-native world.
DNS was originally designed in the 1980’s, back at the dawn of the internet, when it was mostly for research. We’ve seen several major waves of change since then: the .com boom (and bust), web 2.0, and cloud computing.
While DNS management has evolved slightly over that time, it could be better. DNScaster is our endeavor to move DNS forward.
What’s different about it? Glad you asked!

It starts with dedicated IPs. DNS, due to its reliance on UDP, is more easily susceptible to denial of service attacks than most other internet services. Service issues end up affecting not just the targeted domain, but every other domain on the same set of nameservers.
DNScaster gives you your own nameservers with their own IPs. This significantly reduces the risk of becoming collateral damage when someone else’s domain is targeted.
Full support for IPv6 should be a given these days. Unfortunately, some providers have yet to catch up. Every DNScaster nameserver includes its own IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, keeping you completely up with the times.

There are numerous cloud providers today. You may be using one. Or two. Or half a dozen. The key question is: does your DNS service support all of them?
Some vendors create lock-in by restricting key features like ALIAS records. You have better things to do than play such silly games. Every DNScaster feature (including ALIAS, Geo routing, and more) works regardless of your choice of cloud provider(s).

It’s increasingly common to run servers in multiple locations for redundancy and reduced latency. DNScaster’s Geo-closest routing has the smarts to send users to the server nearest to them. While we’re not the first to offer such a thing, ours might well be the easiest in the industry to configure and manage.

Speaking of, DNScaster has been designed for ease of use and getting the task done. Quickly. Making DNS updates should be your easiest task of the day, not something you dread.
See entire domains at a glance. Quickly add, update, clone, or even temporarily deactivate individual records. Add notes or reminders to any domain or host record too.
With supported registrars, DNScaster can also perform all delegation and glue record updates for you. And speaking of glue records, DNScaster supports vanity names with intelligent auto-configuration of all the messy details.
All this is just the start. Learn more or dive right in with a Free trial.